About Coach Tyler

My name is Tyler Bramlett, but my friends (that's you now) call me Coach Tyler.

I'm an exercise, nutrition and lifestyle coach that has spent the last decade teaching people how to look, feel and perform their best! However...

Thing's weren't always this way for me Smile

My Journey To Health

In 2003 I was 40 lbs overweight and stuck in the typical rut of coming to the commercial gym, reading the "fitness" magazines, taking the "health" supplements and seeing little in the way of actual results.

All I wanted was to lose fat and add some lean useful muscle. It was at this time that my greatest struggle and most inspiring lesson was to happen...

One day while riding my bicycle home from work I was suddenly struck from the side by an SUV. As I crashed to the ground my attention was quickly focused on my knee. What pain!!! I had never felt anything like this before.

The ambulance rushed me to the hospital where I was informed I would need surgery for the dislocated kneecap, cracked femur and shredded meniscus. Here's a pic from back then with me trying hard to put a smile on my face...

After about 6 months of physical therapy and recovery I attempted to return to the gym. However...

I found that all the normal exercises and workout routines that I was being told to do were making my body hurt and weren't helping me to lose fatSmile

This made me think...

  • Is this really the right way to exercise?
  • Are there safer more effective routines?
  • Should I really listen to the mainstream?

Sooner than I had expected my questions were answered!

My good friend and Training partner at the time had stumbled across some information that would change both of our lives forever. A Simple book about bodyweight exercises led me down the path to training enlightenment!

I practiced the exercises in this book, all simple things that have been practiced for centuries, and they worked. Within weeks I was feeling pain free, stronger, more flexible, more enduring and best of all the fat began to melt off!

Having so much success with such a short period of time lit me like a wildfire. I wanted to know more, who and what else was out there that I had missed?

Learning The Truth About What Really Works

I decided at that moment to dedicate my life to learning the TRUTH about what really works so I could not only transform my body, but also help others to do the same!

Since then, I've personally trained with some of the worlds top experts in things like, Gymnastics, Circus Acrobatics, Weightlifting, Kettlebells, Bodybuilding, Bodyweight Training, Rehab and Physical Therapy. And...

I've found one common thread that ALL effective training programs have...

They all use something called progression! So...

I spent over a decade testing and tweaking my own system that I call Progressive Movement Technology that will give you an EXACT path that you need to take to reach your body transformation goals!

The best part is...

The systems I've created will work for anyone, of any age and are especially useful for people with previous injuries or people who are total beginners. And...

The older you are, the better results you'll get with these systems because nobody before today has ever built a system that starts with such easy exercises!

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