They’re so simple that you’ll likely think they are too good to be true! But…
After doing them…you’ll see and feel the results!
So…Be sure to read this page in its entirety, because
I can pretty much guarantee that…
That’s because…
I learned these unique exercises from one of the most sought after Drs of physical therapy in northern California. And today…
…you’ll learn the exact same exercises so you can remove pounds of stubborn belly fat, flatten your stomach, and reduce any aches and pains you’re currently experiencing. OK…
Even worse…
In a study published by Clinical Biomechanics in 2010, researchers concluded that repetitive flexion exercises like sit-ups, and crunches that target the rectus abdominis can cause disk herniation associated with back pain, and even surgery!
The point I want to make here is that…
Unlike typical ab sculpting workouts that you’ll commonly see recommended…
These exercises are so easy to do you can literally do them while lying in bed, and you won’t have to break a sweat either! That’s because like I mentioned before…
These exercises came from an advanced practice of physical therapy that was originally intended to help people rehabilitate from all sorts of aches and pains including back, hip, knee, shoulder, and even neck pain. So…
I know this because…
The reason I became aware of these unique core exercises in the first place was, my wife had to undergo an emergency cesarean section with our first daughter. And after that surgery…
She had several symptoms that persisted including diastasis recti (which is the technical term for separated abdominals), as well as back pain.
We tried a lot of different things, and nothing seemed to help. Until we met a renowned physical therapist named Dr. James Vegher who showed us the same exercises that you’ll learn today!
It’s an easy-to-follow system we created to help people transform the way their stomach looks, while helping build the core strength needed to reduce aches and pains!
Over 100,000 people have used these workouts and exercises to transform the way their bodies look and feel. Which is why…
After seeing the success people have had using these routines…
Follow along as Dr. Vegher shows you all of his unique exercises that target your transverse abdominis, and internal obliques.
These are the muscles I shared earlier that’ll help flatten your stomach just like the ace bandage being wrapped horizontally around your waist.
Using this step-by-step system he’ll show you exactly how to perform each exercise with perfect form.
In addition to this…
We included 4 different levels of workout routines personally led by Dr. James Vegher. All you have to do is…
Press play on the level 1 routine, and once you’re comfortable with it, move onto the next level, it’s that simple.
I guarantee that you’ll LOVE these workouts and that you’ll love the way your body looks, and feels after following them. If not…
All you have to do is email our team of success coaches, and we’ll give you a full refund… No Questions Asked!
Get the most powerful core activation exercise plus 4 step-by-step
workouts on your phone, tablet and computer!
And if that’s what’s running through your head then I can’t help you. Because…
After 100,000 people have used this system to get amazing results…
So please don’t write it off, okay? Give it a fair shot…
Then try out the other exercises and you’ll see how powerful
and effective these exercises can be!
The person who takes action right now, and uses the 0-6 Pack Abs Phase 1 System for the next 14 days…
Who gets to notice a dramatic difference in how flat your stomach looks, and how strong your core feels…
Who becomes motivated to continue, and over the next 30 days will be confident you found the SECRET to finally getting the body you want!
The person who ignores these unique exercises…
Who finds themselves 30 days from today, staring in the mirror at the same belly pouch all while wondering…
Could these unique exercises actually have helped them?
Since you stumbled on this today…
And because of all the success we’ve had helping people
transform their bodies in record time…
Just know that we might increase the price back to $39 if the demand is high.
Please consult with a medical professional before starting any exercise program. Results not guaranteed.