How I Got The WORST Gas And The WORST Acne I’ve Ever Had...
From Drinking “Healthy” Drinks
What if nutritionists have the wrong idea about smoothies and “green juices”?
What if smoothies, “green juices”, and antioxidants aren’t the most important thing for your body?
What if nutritionists have it all wrong about how to get smoother skin, thicker hair, pain-free joints, and stronger bones? You see...

How much of our hair, bones, and skin is made of water and vegetables? Maybe a little, but...
Don’t you think there’s something we’re missing? In fact...
There’s one specific natural ingredient that nutritionists and American Universities (and European Universities in places like Greece) are now clawing for. It’s funny...
How much of our hair, bones, and skin is made of water and vegetables? Maybe a little, but...
Don’t you think there’s something we’re missing? In fact...
There’s one specific natural ingredient that nutritionists and American Universities (and European Universities in places like Greece) are now clawing for. It’s funny...
This super-ingredient is found in basically every grocery store. And...
It’s been around for as long as history books! It’s even named after the Greek word for “glue!” That’s because...
It’s the single most important thing in our bodies for...
Smoother skin...
Thicker hair...
Pain-free joints...
Enjoying more of life...
And even better time spent with your loved ones.
So don’t get me wrong...
Water and vegetables are still important. But...
If you’ve struggled with feeling years older than you should, or...
Having wrinkles you can’t get rid of...

Or even painful joints that trap you in bed for days at a time, then...
Spending the next five minutes here and learning about this easy-to-find super-ingredient could change the next 20, 30, 40, and even 50+ years of your life! But first...
My name is Tyler Bramlett and I’m the Head Coach at Warrior Made, the fastest growing body transformation website on the internet! And, I know...
You’ve probably heard a lot of “fitness coaches” on the internet say they have the “secret pill” to feeling and looking younger. And the reality is...
It’s way too easy for someone to call themselves a “fitness coach” after a 10 minute internet search. Which...
Is downright scary! But you see...
- After being a personal trainer for over a decade (after serious knee injuries)...
- Having a wife who’s gone through two C-sections and serious rehabilitation, and...
- Taking care of two little girls after a couple of huge accidents left me bed-ridden(I’ll show you how this applies to you in a minute)...
I’ve learned the ins and outs of how to improve the way you look and feel...
No matter your circumstances. So...
Can I tell you something about that super-ingredient I mentioned before? You see...
It’s in foods found in every grocery store, and...
In foods that your grandmother made...
And even foods her grandmother made! And...
After I busted both of my knees at separate times (the reason I was bed-ridden)...
I tried physical therapy, stretching, deep tissue massages. The reality is...
All of it seemed to help for a sec, but then caused more pain later that night. So...
I turned to protein powders to see if they would help. You see...

People say all the time that protein is good for everything in your body...
They say it’s the most important nutrient for us! But...
After my experience with protein powders...
I’m extremely careful about what I put into my body.
Especially after what the “most popular” protein powders did to my body. Now...
Here’s where the story gets good.
I’ve tried 4 types of protein powders in my life. And...
3 of them gave unbearable, completely embarrassing stories.
I’d be shocked if you could even read them without busting out laughing.
The first protein I tried?
Whey Protein

The result? Big mistake...and here’s why:
Whey protein is made mostly out of extra, unused dairy. In fact...
When “whey” was first being discovered, it was dumped into rivers as waste after the cheese had been made from cows. But...
After businessmen learned they could somehow turn it into a protein powder, it became “one of the top protein powders out there” (so they say). However...
A few mornings after I started using it...I woke up with some acne on my back and shoulder. Now…
I was in my early 20’s so I wasn’t all too surprised. However...
Each morning it got worse and worse...and even started traveling up near my face. Then...
It got way bigger and way more painful than any sort of acne I’ve ever had…
To the point where I was embarrassed to take my shirt off in front of my wife…
To the point where I felt terrible about my body…
Because I didn’t know what I was doing to cause this. It was painful acne...
The kind you only see in movies or on TV shows where someone eats something they’re extremely allergic to. And after some research...
I realized that it WAS because of something I was eating...
It was from the WHEY protein! You see…
Whey protein clogs pores and can cause severe acne on your face, back, and shoulders. And...
It’s just awful. I don’t recommend it to anybody, which...
Is why I immediately changed proteins. I switched to one I thought had to be a healthy alternative:
Soy-based Protein

Soy-based protein seems like a safe bet, right?
Soy milk is supposed to be healthy, tofu is supposed to be good for you. That’s what I thought too, until I learned that...
Soy products are known to damage your thyroid, and...
The thyroid is the brain for your hormones and endocrine system, which...
Controls your metabolism, sleep, mood, sexual functioning, and much more. Even worse...
Because of how soy affects your estrogen levels...
Soy is known for causing increased weight gain...especially in the hips and legs! So...
You’ll quickly find yourself in a state of estrogen dominance…
Which is really scary to find in a protein supplement. After all...
What estrogen dominance usually means is...
- Accelerated Weight Gain (especially in the lower body)…
- Rapid Hair Loss…
- Always Feeling Groggy and Tired…
And in the last 20 years alone…
You should know that the overall worth of soybean companies have nearly tripled. Which means...
They’re hoping you keep buying their cheap protein powders. However...
After learning all about this from research...
I knew I had to switch yet again. I didn’t want to pump myself full of estrogen and throw my hormonal balance completely out of whack! Which...
Brought me to the absolute BEST part of this whole story (well, the WORST part if you’re me). See...
The third protein I tried?
Plant-based Protein
Sounds all good, right? “It’s made of pure plants,” I thought...
“It’s gotta be good for me. Full blown salads every single day.” First...

You need to know that no plant protein on earth contains all 9 of your “essential amino acids.” Most of the nutrients are burned out during the manufacturing process. But I didn’t know that then...
So I went all in for 1 day...felt fine. 2 days...felt okay. But...
Now that I remember it, I should’ve been worried on that second day. Because...
On day 3 there was a clear and present danger. See...
My stomach started making these terrible noises and shooting sharp pains at me. And in what felt like an instant...
I realized I had to get up from my chair and run to the bathroom. I didn’t have time to think, and then...
I was faced with some of the worst diarrhea I’ve ever had in my life. Which...
Lasted the rest of the day...and I wasted an entire day of plans. However...
I knew one day of issues wouldn’t be enough to convince me plant-based proteins were all bad. So...
I tried more plant protein a few days later...after I fully felt recovered from the first dose.
And guess what? The same thing happened as before...
I felt bloated in the morning…and had sharp pains and terrible diarrhea for another day.
It was here I realized...
Plant-based proteins are packed with unnatural and destructive ingredients...that don’t belong in anyone’s body. Just imagine...
Vegetables you thought were good for you...but really they’re so chemically altered that your body can’t even digest them. There was no hope. Until...
I tried the final protein powder that changed my life forever.
This specific type of protein makes up over nearly 50% of our skin, hair, muscles, bones, and digestive system. In fact...
It comes from the Greek word for “glue” because it’s the protein that holds your body together...
That gives plump, smooth skin...
And makes your hair thicker, stronger, and more beautiful. Imagine your skin like a balloon...
Without this protein the balloon has no air. It just sags to the ground, limp and wrinkly. But...
WITH this protein: Your balloon is filled with air. Smooth, bouncy, and full. The truth is...
After water, it’s the most plentiful substance in your body.
The name of this protein?
BUT BUT BUT, it’s not just a regular collagen like that stuff you buy from Amazon or the grocery store.
This is a groundbreaking collagen blend, mixed with an herb of vitality known to...
- Reduce inflammation...
- Smooth varicose veins...
- And even slow the destruction of collagen.
On top of this...

This herb helps you produce your own collagen...Stops your current collagen from breaking down...
All in addition to getting collagen directly from the protein powder! This means...
Your collagen levels can finally skyrocket, making your wrinkles and pain fade away. Because...
After the age of 30, you start making 2% less collagen every single year, accelerating wrinkles, thinning hair, and your body’s deterioration. Which means...
By the age of 50, you’ve lost about 40% of your overall collagen! So...
Maybe you’re wondering, what is this herb?
It’s called Gotu Kola. And...
It’s been around for centuries and is just starting to resurface in the natural health spaces. And...
It’s shown to tighten skin, reduce cartilage erosion, and improve circulation...
All while skyrocketing collagen levels in your body! After I tried this (with no side effects at all)...
I immediately brought it to our team at Warrior Made. You see...
Warrior Made is our team of fitness experts building the best body transformation website on the internet. And...
We exist to help people experience the best version of themselves...
Helping them transform the way they look and feel.
So let us ask you something...
Have you tried other protein powders and seen nothing change?
Have you been wanting to make a change for the better in your life, but haven’t known where to start?
Wanna become a fountain of your very own collagen, on top of taking a collagen supplement? If so...
Go2 Protein!

Warrior Made’s Go2 Protein:
The best, most complete way to effortlessly rebuild collagen, smooth wrinkles, and strengthen joints. Here’s what you get with every order:
- 30 Days of Smoothing Skin and Thickening Hair
- Collagen and Gotu Kola to Synergistically Boost Collagen and Elastin
- Award Winning Flavor to Escape Those Gross, Artificial Proteins
So instead of wasting your time...
Trying whey, soy, or plant-based proteins, which give acne and digestive issues...
Today you need to try the most pure protein found in nature...
The one that our bodies naturally make and use, and...
The one that thousands of people are using today. But...
Maybe you’re worried about how it tastes. Maybe you’ve tasted some really awful protein powders in the past (we sure have).
We totally understand that most protein powders taste terrible...and leave an even worse after-taste. However...
We wanna assure you that…
Go2 Protein has won 5 star awards for its amazing flavor! And...
Maybe you’re worried about what you can eat it with. The truth is...
It mixes incredibly well with warm drinks like coffee (our favorite mix), and...

You can even bake tons of different chocolate goodies with it! (Protein brownies!!!) So...
Since we believe in Go2 Protein so much, we wanna offer you a special discount to let you try it before you commit. This is because...
We know once you try it you’re gonna love everything about your new body. You see...
Now that we’ve watched collagen heal knee injuries and post-birth stretch marks...
We truly believe it can restore your life, too. In fact...
You can even get the collagen you need as a part of an EASY morning routine, because...
You can have an 8oz glass of pure bone broth collagen in less than 10 seconds. So...
Instead of going to Amazon and buying a random protein powder for upwards of $100...
We wanna offer you our organic, grass-fed, herbal infused collagen protein powder...
The ticket to younger skin...
Thicker, healthier hair...
And stronger joints for a small investment of...
Only $69.95…
But Wait!
Since you’ve come this far with us...
We wanna do something else for you...
We wanna make it so easy for you to start your transformation and have full confidence that you’re changing your life. So what we wanna give you...
Is something you can’t find on any other website...not even on Amazon. So...
We wanna offer you our best price option that comes with a monthly subscription. We do this because the real way to see lasting change is to be consistent with your collagen intake. So...
In order to help you succeed...
You can get the strongest package for the cheapest price. If you choose the “Subscribe and Save” option...
We’re gonna give you each bottle
for as little as $39.95!
Is a win-win for you. Because you’ll get smoother skin and stronger joints than if you just bought one, AND...
You get an incredibly reduced price that you won’t find anywhere else! And...
Waiting is only setting you back one day at a time. But...
Because Go2 Protein is a completely custom blend of ingredients, it takes a few months to get more after we run out of stock. So...
If you’re interested, you need to act fast. And...
Since we built our business on being as transparent as possible...
We believe in our Go2 Protein so much that we’re willing to bet our business on it. What we mean by that is...
We’ve spent time, energy, and precious resources into building an industry-leading US based customer success team, who...
Come into work every day ready to answer your questions and help you. So...
You get a full 60 days to try out Go2 Protein RISK FREE...

And if for any reason your experience isn’t amazing like everybody else...
Just send us an email or give us a call and we’ll refund your order immediately! Let us carry all the risk and make sure there’s absolutely no risk for you! Also...
Before we run out of Go2 Protein (it’s a custom protein powder so it takes a while to restock our supplies)...
We wanna share a quick quote with you:
“I believe that the greatest gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you.”
-Joyce Meyer

The Warrior Made Family
P.S. If you have any questions, feel free to call or my in-house support team anytime between 10AM PST and 4PM PST. They all live right here in California and can’t wait to talk to you!
Phone: 1-888-480-1947
Email: [email protected]
© Warrior Made 2019