There's no quick fix to changing how your body looks and feels. It takes a commitment to living a healthier lifestyle everyday, besides cheat days of course 😉
Sounds simple, but living a healthy lifestyle is difficult for most. Science tells us that your brain and body become "addicted" essentially to unhealthy choices over time. The thought to grab a cookie becomes less of a choice and more of an unconscious movement.
So how does the Warrior Made Tribe address this? How does it help people have weight transformations? How is it different than everything else I've tried in the past?
The Warrior Made Tribe is a large group of people online all working on their weight transformations from the privacy of their own homes. We all workout three times a week together. How do we do this?
You get a email every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning to the workout of the day. There is a beginner, intermediate and advanced version of the workout so people all do the same exercises, but with varying difficulty.
All workouts are led by a certified personal trainer, Tyler Bramlett. He had a very successful group workout class in his home town and we've brought it online to the masses. We have a full staff of video editors who create arrows and show different angles of the exercises too so you know you're doing the exercises with perfect form.

We all follow a similar diet. Like our workouts, there are varying difficulties based on where you're starting at. For some people, they need more cheat meals to start. We teach people how to overcome the urge of eating unhealthy, not regret it.
Chef Elisa gives the group weekly shopping lists, meal plans and bonus recipes based on what's being asked for by the group.
The diet we follow is a variation of the keto diet. The keto diet is extremely efficient at helping the body drop body fat percentage, but it's hard to sustain for most Americans.
Carbs and sweets are everywhere so we've incorporated them into our diet purposefully. Everyone cheats together and then practices switching back to a healthier diet. We believe this is one of the strongest differences that our Warrior Made Tribe offers.

Along with our trainer, chef and video editors we also have a full staff of weight transformation success coaches. They answer your emails, phone calls and Facebook comments. They are here to help you succeed every step of the way.
They are also in-house with everyone else so if you find someone you especially connect with, you can request to speak to them again.
When you join the Warrior Made Tribe we send you an invitation to our private Facebook group. Here is where most of the fun happens. People post pictures, share stories, give advice and hang out to stay motivated during the inevitable difficult times.
Having a community of people all overcoming weight struggles together is another big difference the Warrior Made Tribe delivers.
Below are Warrior Made Tribe members speaking about their experience.
If you decide to try us out, there is a button to take our Diet and Exercise Recommendation Quiz below the video. The quiz asks just a few basic questions, but this helps us tell you what diet and exercise level we'd recommend you'd start with.
Welcome to the Warrior Made Tribe. We hope to be a part of your weight transformation journey!
© Warrior Made 2019